Newest Revelations 4



Looking for lifers.

This year, so far, has been dedicated to looking for "lifers"; a first time sighting of a bird. Florida and Arizona became exotic places to see birds, that just last year, I had never heard of. Roseate Spoonbills, Purple Gallinules, and Anhingas, were just a few of the magical birds we saw in Florida. Broadbill Hummingbirds, Vermillion Flycatchers, and Lazuli Buntings amazed us in Arizona. We even trekked to Cape May to see all the migrating Ibises, Herons, and Egrets. Now it is time to stay put and find all our visiting warblers who will stop in NYC to take a break before heading up North.



I think we are the only people who visited Orlando, and did not go to you-know-where. Instead we hiked the Orlando Wetlands which displayed one of the biggest rookeries I ever saw. To be honest, I haven't seen that many.

After trotting by some alligators along the path, you come to a boardwalk which allows you to view the greatest show of nesting Storks, Herons, Egrets, Anhingas, and Roseate Spoonbills. I can't even begin to describe the sounds emanating from these beautiful creatures as they were gathering materials to make their nests.

Merritt Island has many trails and drives. On the first visit we took the driving trail which takes you near all these colorful wading birds. We met so many great people stopping along the way and saw some gorgeous lifers.

One of the birds I was dying to see was the Painted Bunting (pictured above). I have a bird guide and the cover displays the bird in all his glory. I never thought I would be able to see him in person. After patiently waiting for him to appear, we finally saw his striking colors from behind the foliage. It seemed like he had most of the colors of the rainbow!

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Next stop- Arizona! I was on a mission to add some more Hummingbirds to my list. We flew into Phoenix and on our way to our airbnb stopped at this beautiful park in Fountain Hills. We weren't even there for 20 minutes before a Bald Eagle graced us with his presence!

Hummingbirds were everywhere in Phoenix! A male Costa's hummingbird flirted with a female in close proximity. They were all over the Botanic Gardens along with Verdins, Phainopeplas, and Cactus Wrens.

In Tucson we got to see Roadrunners  and Broad-billed Hummingbirds! We even saw a rattlesnake! Visiting the Saguaro National Park was a real treat. The tall green cacti with the blue background was a sight to see!

From Tucson we drove down south to Patagonia where the Paton Center for Hummingbirds is situated. What an amazing place!! I got to add two more hummingbirds to my list- the Violet-crowned and Black-chinned. What stunners!

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Cape May

                             New Jersey

This time we stayed a little closer to home and visited Cape May for the weekend. Everyone knows that Cape May is a birding paradise. In fact the drive down is also a birding Mecca.

We stopped at Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. This is another huge area dedicated to the preservation of wildlife with lots of trails and an 8 mile drive.

We drove the 8 mile loop and I was amazed at how many different species there were to see! My favorites were the Forster's Terns who were diving non-stop into the water for their catch.

In Cape May we hiked many trails that led to an abundance of sightings. The lighthouse was never far from view on our hikes and added to the already scenic backdrop.

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Noteworthy News

I will be participating in three shows in the Tri-State area.  Come say hello!

Artful Sundays @ Hunterdon Art Museum

Sunday, August 13th 11-4

Staten Island Museum 73rd Annual Fence Show

Saturday, September 30th 11-5

Cottage Row Curiosities @ Snug Harbor

Saturday, October 21st  11-4

Stay tuned for more news...

All images on this site are available to order in any format. Please contact me for more information.

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